Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Syllable-countin', feet smellin', cheese lovin', music singin' freak

So I saw Julie's blog and she was playing some "game" where she was tagged so now she had to list 4 random facts about herself... well I'm bored @ work so I'm tagging myself and here I go...

1. I count syllables. I count 4 on each side of my head in a 2 syllable rotating pattern. I start on the left side and then continue on to the right after the left side has been maxed out-- and I continue rotating between the 2 sides until the syllables land exactly on the right side on a completed 4-streak pattern. I can't stop until it ends in this exact matter. Odd syllables are almost always bad--unless they complete another odd syllable pattern from a previous sentance, resulting in an even 2 syllable-string combination. I will repeat sentances, thoughts, murmurs, and other various noises until the right sided 4-streak pattern is complete. Then my mind can rest. :)

2. I don't like feet. I'm trying not to use the word "hate" because it is such a strong word--but yeah, I hate feet. I hate that they smell. I hate the way they look. I hate the way they feel on you. They're dirty and gross, and they belong on the ground and out of the way. Men's feet has an added hate for the hair, the nasty yellow jagged toenails, and the roughness. Keep your dang feet away from me.

3. I really like cheese. Not all kinds of it though-- swiss cheese is nasty. But I love some good mozzarella, chedder, munster, or provolone. And if I'm lucky, it's colby jack cheese, mmmm. Cheese can be eaten a variety of ways: wrapped up and melted on a tortilla, cut up into squares and placed on ritz crackers, or simply find that cheese slicer and cut yourself some little cheese rectangles to be eaten plain. It really doesn't get much better than that. Cheese does make you thirsty however--for which i strongly reccomend some diet dr. pepper. You would think milk would go good with cheese, but come on, don't overdose on dairy- stick to pop or water.

4. I love to listen to music and sing along when I'm in the car by myself. I love it. I have the greatest car ride just being by myself. I don't always sing along, sometimes I just listen. But I do always crank the volume up to almost as high as it can go, which if you've ever been in my car, you know I have a system and it can get pretty dang loud. I know right now that you are probably finding this pretty humorous, since I don't do anything like this, and you would all love to witness this phenomenon.... well sorry friends and foes, but I only do it riding solo, this is something that you will never see. I'll just have to leave it up to your imagination :)

Well that's that.... four random fun Christie facts. Not much perspective, just straight up fact. Maybe I'll write something tomorrow with a little perspective. Give you something to look forward to. You can anxiously check my website hourly, waiting on the edge of your seat, dying for some christie perspective, wishing I would already post my thoughts and prevent the agony and the hopelessness that comes with sitting, wishing, and waiting by the computer. Well no can do, you're just gunna' have to wait...

1 comment:

BGJ said...

here i am... leaving a comment on your blogspot... nice random christie facts.