Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Plain Tired

Sooo right now I'm going to vent/complain, so if you don't want to hear it, just stop reading now, and don't say I didn't warn you...

I'm just flat out tired... my life has been so busy this semester that I don't feel like I've really been able to enjoy it, because whenever we actually do something fun, I'm exausted. Mondays are ridiculous... I don't have class till 11am but somehow I've had to wake up early everyday to study for something, so Mondays I go from 9am-8pm pretty much: class, lunch, lab, football, dinner, and then aerobics. At least football is fun, so I don't mind that part of my day. Tuesday and Thursdays I start at 7am running class and go straight through to 5pm when I get off work. Wednesdays I go from 10am-4pm then I have football till 530pm. Then comes Friday... ohhh how I love Friday! Fridays are AHmazing lol... I only have one class from 11am-12pm. Unfortunately most Fridays of this semester I've still been busy doing stuff, but at least it isn't class or work. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Friday. I probably wouldn't make it through the week.

Now I know that this is the normal life of a college student. I know that being busy till 6pm everyday is what most people are doing, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I am exausted and don't even feel like doing anything once I'm finally off work. Fun doesn't sound fun when all I want to do is sleep or lay on the couch. And then I remember that it's 6pm and I haven't started homework. And I have Anatomy and Physiology this semester. And Movement Anatomy. And these are 2 classes that take up way too much time in my life. I feel like I always need to be studying. And since I'm not, I'm not even doing well in the class. Which bothers me because I always do good in class. I'm not trying to brag or sound full of myself here. I don't always do good because I'm smart, I do good because I work hard in every class. But I just don't have the energy to try as hard as I normally do.

Bottom line... I can't wait for this semester to be over. Which also makes me sad because I'm trying to rush through my last fall semester ever. I want to enjoy this year and have fun, because this is it, it's all over in a few months, and then I know that I will end up missing it. But it's a Catch-22 because I have to work to have money to do things... but when I work I don't have the energy to do things anyways. Basically I just have to tough it out this semester and be tired for the next 2 months. Then figure something out different for next semester because I want to enjoy my last semester and not be tired all the time... but still make money too. Maybe have a different job that I get paid more money per hour, that would make sense haha. We will see.... I guess I should pray about it...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Blogged Out

It's been a while since I posted. I'm not even sure why I'm posting right now, I guess it's more for my own personal satisfaction, since I know that the only people reading this are usually Robin and Ruth, and since I live with one of the two, it doesn't make much sense to be writing for "all you" to read.

Okay, anyways, not much has happened since last posting. It's continued to be a tedious and slighly boring summer, spending 8-5 working and 5-10 being exausted. Fun times.

I moved into the new apartment. A week later Hooch moved in. Then a week later Sarah moved in. And in one more week from now, Emily will move in. It'll be nice for us to all be there. I didn't have much of a community in my apartment over summer. Hooch has been real busy with RA stuff, Sarah with focus stuff, and lucky me, with work stuff. I'll be happy for school to be starting in 9 days.... did i just say that? It will be nice to have a change of pace; to have class and work instead of just work all day. But my paycheck will be decreasing quite significantly, and I'm not gunna lie, that sucks lol. Working full time has had it's benefits, just ask my bank account.

I'm actually at work right now. One hour left. Normally the last hour is the fastest hour of my work day, but I have a feeling this is going to be a long freakin' hour. If I could read it might go by faster. But I don't think that will be happening.

Really, I think this may be the most boring post ever. I'm almost bored to be writing it. It's just making time go a little faster I guess haha. Maybe I'll post with something to say this week. With some thoughts, some perspective. I think I haven't posted any perspective because of that good 'ol saying we were raised to believe.... "If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all." Okay, okay, mom, I'll keep my mouth shut. So I've had my mouth shut for a while, maybe some good perspective will be ready to come out soon.

Stay tuned to find out...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sleep, Work, Sleep

I'm bored. I'm bored of being bored. Sleep eat work and then back to sleep.... what a fun and exciting life I's that for a little perspective?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Big Bertha

We're goin to the lake tomorrow!!! YEAH FOR LAKE MEAD!!! I'm soooooo excited to go to Arizona and hang out at the lake for 3 days and not worry about anything and just have fun and enjoy the company of my friends. Skiing, soaking up the sun, bb guns, archery, motor skooters, waverunners, kneeboarding, kayaking, and of course, big bertha... AHmazing! Anyways, I just thought I'd let you all know how absolutely excited I am. So that's where I'll be this weekend, oshkay! Everyone else have a great weekend too, laterrrrr :)

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Block... and a Half

In high school I was on the basketball team. Every week we were required to run the mile. I think it was Wednesdays. Yeah, Wednesdays. Every Wednesday at the end of practice we would walk down to the sand track that wrapped around the less than impressive football field. It wasn't even a stadium, just had 2 bleachers set up on the side. Anyways, that's besides the point. So every Wednesday we would run, and every Wednesday I would come in last. Well, maybe not last; sometimes I finished second to last, or on a really good day, third to last. We were a team of about 10-12 by the way. So anywhere from 10th to 12th place. Every year, I never got any better, I always finished at the end.

After high school ended, I stopped exercising. Completely. Yeah, I gained the freshman fifteen. Maybe even more. Worse than gaining weight, I was just plain unhealthy. Well, maybe that's not worse than gaining weight haha, I can't decide which was worse. Anyways, sophmore and junior year I started exercising more. And by more I mean anywhere from 2-5 times a month. Well towards the end of my junior year I decided to really start running again and get back into shape.

When I got back from Africa at the end of May, I got back into it. I decided Monday through Friday, I'm going to run. I can't miss a day, because if I do, then I might just stop all together. So I've been running 4-6 times a week for the last 6 weeks. Now remember, I SUCK at running. I really, really just suck at it. I can't even run a mile without stopping to walk. Well at least I couldn't that is. So about 2 weeks ago, I finally did it... I ran 2 miles without stopping. I ran all 2 miles and I didn't stop once. I felt like I was the world's best athlete or something haha. (Obviously i'm exaturating) but really, I was proud of myself. So I've been running the last 2 weeks, running 2 miles without stopping.

Sooo, yesterday, I finish my run and I saw Chappie and Carly. Chappie asked me if I wanted to run 4 miles with her. I told her that I barely just learned how to run 2 miles, but after talking with her, I realized that I want to do it. I want to run 4 miles. Now I know that I can't... but a month ago I couldn't run 2 and now I can, so who knows what could happen in another month. So today I decided to start working up to it. So from now on, I'm going to run 3 miles. If I get tired, I'll stop and stretch a little, and then start running again.

So I ran 3 miles today. Once again, it's a new record for me!! I ran 3 miles for the first time in my life!!! I am excited... really excited!! I am excited to eventually work my way up to 4 miles. That will be an exciting day. Now this may not seem like a big deal, but I'm proud of myself haha, I mean this is big news for me. I'm not a runner... well, correction, I wasn't a runner... now I'm becoming one! Really, I'm so excited!!!

Well this was a long blog, just to say how excited I am about running 3 miles... but if you've learned anything about me through this blog, it should be that I never say anything straight forward, I never just get straight to the point, I have to dance around it for a long time before I can actually get to it. But that's kind of the point of a blog anyways, right? So I hope this wasn't too boring, but sometimes my perspective can be that way. Sometimes it's just about me haha, but what can I say, I'm happy. Just plain happy.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Stuck to the Earth

"...I think I was feeling bitter about the human experience. I never asked to be human. Nobody came to the womb and explained the situation to me, asking for my permission to go into the world and live and breathe and eat and feel joy and pain. I started thinking about how odd it was to be human, how we are stuck inside this skin, forced to be attracted to the opposite sex, forced to eat food and use the restroom and then stuck to the earth by gravity. I think maybe I was going crazy or something. I spent an entire week feeling bitter because I couldn't breathe underwater. I told God I wanted to be a fish. I also felt a little bitter about sleep. Why do we have to sleep? I wanted to be able to stay awake for as long as I wanted, but God had put me in this body that had to sleep. Life no longer seemed like an experience of freedom."

This is a quote from the book Blue Like Jazz... I just started reading it today. I'm on page 103-- I had a lot of time to read at work haha. It is a good book though... not like the ones I'm used to reading, but nonetheless, still good. I love summer because I can read for pleasure. I mean, of course I'm busy in the summertime, I've been pretty much going nonstop till 7pm everyday, but I enjoy bringing a book around with me throughout the day, reading whenever I get a chance. I just included the quote because I thought it was kind of funny. I mean who thinks like that? It's weird that it kind of makes sense though... I mean why do we sleep? why can't we breathe underwater? how come we have to eat? haha I mean I don't really think about these questions or anything, it's just interesting to see that this guy (Don Miller) does. Anyways, i think it's an interesting read, so you should give it a read if you have some time.

Oh, before I sign off, I should include some perspective for the day... let's see, hmmmm... I had fun on the 4th of July spending the day with Hooch, we were just blessed to have a day off that we could enjoy walking around Big Bear Village, visting some friends that we don't get to see often, and watching an amazing fireworks show. It really was a good day. Does that count as perspective? I think so. Anyways, that's all I got for you for tonight, because I'm exausted and I'm going to wake up and go running tomorrow morning, so I need some good sleep. Of course I'm going to read a little before bed though :) See, it's summer time after all!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Scratch That

Correction... it's been 1 hour since I saw Jenni and 30 minutes since I saw Robin :) :) :) Yeah, i totally saw both of them tonight!!! I am freakin' happy too-- I missed their faces! I am excited to see them and talk to them and hear their stories more tomorrow, yeah yeah yeahhhh!!! :) Ok really have to go to bed though, gotta wake up and do the running thing-- pray for cool weather haha (yeah right!)

The Countdown

Jenni and Robin get on a flight to come back to LA in 30 minutes... and in 5 hours they actually land... and in 7 hours I will see Robin on her front lawn where I will be sitting waiting for her... and in 24 dang long hours, I will be on my way to see Jenni... and in 25 dang long hours, I will be hugging Jenni not letting her go :)

I'm freakin' beyond excited that they are coming home and I can't wait to see them... how's that for some perspective? :) :) :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

2-1 in S-D

Well this was a great weekend... it was my birthday weekend actually. On Saturday the 24th I turned 21 years old... yep, the big 2-1. So to celebrate this occasion, myself and 6 of my friends drove down to San Diego to hang out there for the night and the next day. We went down on Friday and checked into the Mission Valley Resort. It was an okay place, and it fit all 6 of us (not to their knowledge), so that was a good thing. So Ash, Sarah, and I drove down and got checked in. Kim, Sarai, and Alana drove down about 2 hours later than us. However, we hit some traffic, stopped to get food, and then got lost trying to find a grocery store in San Diego, so we ended up at the hotel around the same time, about 1030pm. So we just hung out until midnight. Then at midnight they all aimed those 4th of July confetti popper things at me.

The next morning we woke up early. It's weird because it was still my birthday, but it felt like it was over since I celebrated and then slept, ya know? Anyways... so Sarah and I woke up early to Hooch callin' us for directions (she met us down there). So then Ash woke up. Then Sarah and I spent the next hour trying to get Kim, Sarai, and Alana to wake up. Weird things had to happen for this to be accomplished, and I'm not going to write any of it down haha. So Hooch gets there and we check-out of the hotel, pack a picnic lunch, and head to the beach. Oh wait, actually we went to a 2-story target first, because that's just freakin awesome. Then we went to the beach.

Actually--hold that thought. So on the way to the beach, I recieved the BEST birthday gift EVER!! No really-- my two friends, Jenni and Robin, called me from Turkey. They called me from a freakin foreign country on my birthday! That is blog-worthy. That made my day, my week, and my freakin' life! To hear their voices was amazing! I didn't want to stop talking to them!! But it has to be a short conversation of course, but it was still ahhhhhmazing! I'm glad they get home in 3 days, because I wouldn't have been able to talk to them and then not see them for another few weeks. Man, I miss those fools!! So thanks to you both--- you are the best friends EVER!!! :)

...So we did the beach thing and then once we got a little bored and a little cold--since it was overcast--we drove around and looked and nice houses and asked them if we could shower in their guest homes..... no really, we did. Actually, only one of us asked-- and I'm sure you can figure out who. Then we got ready at Ashley's cousin's house, and went downtown. We got a late start on dinner, but luckily we didn't have to wait at all, we were seated right away. We ate at the Hardrock Cafe. The waitress wanted me to get drunk because it was my 21st birthday lol-- don't worry, I didn't! I had this drink though-- a wabooso or wabasi, i dunno, started with a "w". I thought it was going to be blue, but it wasn't. And it didn't taste very good either. Should have just gotten a strawberry daquiri lol. Oh well. So we ate dinner, walked around for a little, and then drove back home. It was fun.

My friends all pitched in and got me a pass to disneyland. So if you have a pass, let me know.... but mine's blocked out till mid-August lol, so not for a while. So I got home around 1230am and then was exausted and crashed.

Sunday I went to Newport and celebrated the birthday with my parents, my sister and her boyfriend, Ashley and her parents, and Chel! It was good times as well. Ashley even cancelled plans to make it, so that made me happy, what a pal huh? I sure think so!

Well I guess that's it.... I don't really feel like blogging much today, so I'm going to go run some errands now and just stop talking. Buuuuuuut, be excited, because Jenni and Robin get back on Thursday-- that's right: 3 days!!! Yeah yeeah yeeeah yeeeah yeeeeeeeeah!!! Can you tell I'm excited? Cuz I freakin am! lol

Comment Worthy

I just have to say... that my last blog was definitely comment worthy... come on people, I know you're reading this, now leave me some love! Does a girl have to go to Africa to get some comments or what? :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Syllable-countin', feet smellin', cheese lovin', music singin' freak

So I saw Julie's blog and she was playing some "game" where she was tagged so now she had to list 4 random facts about herself... well I'm bored @ work so I'm tagging myself and here I go...

1. I count syllables. I count 4 on each side of my head in a 2 syllable rotating pattern. I start on the left side and then continue on to the right after the left side has been maxed out-- and I continue rotating between the 2 sides until the syllables land exactly on the right side on a completed 4-streak pattern. I can't stop until it ends in this exact matter. Odd syllables are almost always bad--unless they complete another odd syllable pattern from a previous sentance, resulting in an even 2 syllable-string combination. I will repeat sentances, thoughts, murmurs, and other various noises until the right sided 4-streak pattern is complete. Then my mind can rest. :)

2. I don't like feet. I'm trying not to use the word "hate" because it is such a strong word--but yeah, I hate feet. I hate that they smell. I hate the way they look. I hate the way they feel on you. They're dirty and gross, and they belong on the ground and out of the way. Men's feet has an added hate for the hair, the nasty yellow jagged toenails, and the roughness. Keep your dang feet away from me.

3. I really like cheese. Not all kinds of it though-- swiss cheese is nasty. But I love some good mozzarella, chedder, munster, or provolone. And if I'm lucky, it's colby jack cheese, mmmm. Cheese can be eaten a variety of ways: wrapped up and melted on a tortilla, cut up into squares and placed on ritz crackers, or simply find that cheese slicer and cut yourself some little cheese rectangles to be eaten plain. It really doesn't get much better than that. Cheese does make you thirsty however--for which i strongly reccomend some diet dr. pepper. You would think milk would go good with cheese, but come on, don't overdose on dairy- stick to pop or water.

4. I love to listen to music and sing along when I'm in the car by myself. I love it. I have the greatest car ride just being by myself. I don't always sing along, sometimes I just listen. But I do always crank the volume up to almost as high as it can go, which if you've ever been in my car, you know I have a system and it can get pretty dang loud. I know right now that you are probably finding this pretty humorous, since I don't do anything like this, and you would all love to witness this phenomenon.... well sorry friends and foes, but I only do it riding solo, this is something that you will never see. I'll just have to leave it up to your imagination :)

Well that's that.... four random fun Christie facts. Not much perspective, just straight up fact. Maybe I'll write something tomorrow with a little perspective. Give you something to look forward to. You can anxiously check my website hourly, waiting on the edge of your seat, dying for some christie perspective, wishing I would already post my thoughts and prevent the agony and the hopelessness that comes with sitting, wishing, and waiting by the computer. Well no can do, you're just gunna' have to wait...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Steppin' Out

Today was a good day. I don't really know why, but it was just a good day. Woke up early and got ready. Then Ash came back to school so I went over to her apartment and hung out and Sarai came over too after practice to visit, that was cool. Then it came time for lunch and work, which wasn't too bad--just a little boring haha. So then after work I came back to the apartment and got some things done that I needed to, then went over to Ashley's again and we went to 7-11, cuz I was totally craving a slurpee. Came back to my apartment and relaxed for a little. Then Kinsley called me and told me everyone was goin' out to dinner, so I said sure. Went out to Riverside Plaza for dinner with Ashley, Carrie, Kinsely, Brandon, and AJ. That was fun; we all kind of shared about our ISP trips. Then we came back to school to sit around and hang out, but we ended up hanging out in the parking lot for almost 2 hours, but it didn't seem that long at all. A lot of people that live on campus were just hanging out and talking, I met some new people lol. Then some of us went back to apartment 219 (Carrie and Kinsley's) and sang some worship music and talked more about our trips. So I don't know what was really special about the night; I think I just enjoyed the fact that I hung out with some people that I don't usually hang out with. I didn't let myself convince me that it was a bad idea, and I just let myself have fun. It felt good. I think there will be a lot of that this summer, and I think that is a good thing too. But I did leave early to come back and get to bed early-- so that's what I'm going to do now after I wash my face and brush my teeth. I hate doin' that stuff but I love the way it feels :) Sooooooo until next time...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Here it is!

It's all set up and ready to go... whenever I feel inspired, I'll leave some words here, so stay tuned :)