Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Plain Tired

Sooo right now I'm going to vent/complain, so if you don't want to hear it, just stop reading now, and don't say I didn't warn you...

I'm just flat out tired... my life has been so busy this semester that I don't feel like I've really been able to enjoy it, because whenever we actually do something fun, I'm exausted. Mondays are ridiculous... I don't have class till 11am but somehow I've had to wake up early everyday to study for something, so Mondays I go from 9am-8pm pretty much: class, lunch, lab, football, dinner, and then aerobics. At least football is fun, so I don't mind that part of my day. Tuesday and Thursdays I start at 7am running class and go straight through to 5pm when I get off work. Wednesdays I go from 10am-4pm then I have football till 530pm. Then comes Friday... ohhh how I love Friday! Fridays are AHmazing lol... I only have one class from 11am-12pm. Unfortunately most Fridays of this semester I've still been busy doing stuff, but at least it isn't class or work. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Friday. I probably wouldn't make it through the week.

Now I know that this is the normal life of a college student. I know that being busy till 6pm everyday is what most people are doing, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I am exausted and don't even feel like doing anything once I'm finally off work. Fun doesn't sound fun when all I want to do is sleep or lay on the couch. And then I remember that it's 6pm and I haven't started homework. And I have Anatomy and Physiology this semester. And Movement Anatomy. And these are 2 classes that take up way too much time in my life. I feel like I always need to be studying. And since I'm not, I'm not even doing well in the class. Which bothers me because I always do good in class. I'm not trying to brag or sound full of myself here. I don't always do good because I'm smart, I do good because I work hard in every class. But I just don't have the energy to try as hard as I normally do.

Bottom line... I can't wait for this semester to be over. Which also makes me sad because I'm trying to rush through my last fall semester ever. I want to enjoy this year and have fun, because this is it, it's all over in a few months, and then I know that I will end up missing it. But it's a Catch-22 because I have to work to have money to do things... but when I work I don't have the energy to do things anyways. Basically I just have to tough it out this semester and be tired for the next 2 months. Then figure something out different for next semester because I want to enjoy my last semester and not be tired all the time... but still make money too. Maybe have a different job that I get paid more money per hour, that would make sense haha. We will see.... I guess I should pray about it...

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