Monday, July 17, 2006

The Block... and a Half

In high school I was on the basketball team. Every week we were required to run the mile. I think it was Wednesdays. Yeah, Wednesdays. Every Wednesday at the end of practice we would walk down to the sand track that wrapped around the less than impressive football field. It wasn't even a stadium, just had 2 bleachers set up on the side. Anyways, that's besides the point. So every Wednesday we would run, and every Wednesday I would come in last. Well, maybe not last; sometimes I finished second to last, or on a really good day, third to last. We were a team of about 10-12 by the way. So anywhere from 10th to 12th place. Every year, I never got any better, I always finished at the end.

After high school ended, I stopped exercising. Completely. Yeah, I gained the freshman fifteen. Maybe even more. Worse than gaining weight, I was just plain unhealthy. Well, maybe that's not worse than gaining weight haha, I can't decide which was worse. Anyways, sophmore and junior year I started exercising more. And by more I mean anywhere from 2-5 times a month. Well towards the end of my junior year I decided to really start running again and get back into shape.

When I got back from Africa at the end of May, I got back into it. I decided Monday through Friday, I'm going to run. I can't miss a day, because if I do, then I might just stop all together. So I've been running 4-6 times a week for the last 6 weeks. Now remember, I SUCK at running. I really, really just suck at it. I can't even run a mile without stopping to walk. Well at least I couldn't that is. So about 2 weeks ago, I finally did it... I ran 2 miles without stopping. I ran all 2 miles and I didn't stop once. I felt like I was the world's best athlete or something haha. (Obviously i'm exaturating) but really, I was proud of myself. So I've been running the last 2 weeks, running 2 miles without stopping.

Sooo, yesterday, I finish my run and I saw Chappie and Carly. Chappie asked me if I wanted to run 4 miles with her. I told her that I barely just learned how to run 2 miles, but after talking with her, I realized that I want to do it. I want to run 4 miles. Now I know that I can't... but a month ago I couldn't run 2 and now I can, so who knows what could happen in another month. So today I decided to start working up to it. So from now on, I'm going to run 3 miles. If I get tired, I'll stop and stretch a little, and then start running again.

So I ran 3 miles today. Once again, it's a new record for me!! I ran 3 miles for the first time in my life!!! I am excited... really excited!! I am excited to eventually work my way up to 4 miles. That will be an exciting day. Now this may not seem like a big deal, but I'm proud of myself haha, I mean this is big news for me. I'm not a runner... well, correction, I wasn't a runner... now I'm becoming one! Really, I'm so excited!!!

Well this was a long blog, just to say how excited I am about running 3 miles... but if you've learned anything about me through this blog, it should be that I never say anything straight forward, I never just get straight to the point, I have to dance around it for a long time before I can actually get to it. But that's kind of the point of a blog anyways, right? So I hope this wasn't too boring, but sometimes my perspective can be that way. Sometimes it's just about me haha, but what can I say, I'm happy. Just plain happy.

1 comment:

RobinDayle said...

I share in those excitements with you. I feel like every Spring semester I become "work-out Robin" and every summer I lose it...but I ran/walked a little over 3 miles last who knows? perhaps I'll be back up to where I once was. haha.
Umm...Ish love yoush. and, if you look at my freshman pictures...dang, I was a fat kid for sure. holla.