Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Stuck to the Earth

"...I think I was feeling bitter about the human experience. I never asked to be human. Nobody came to the womb and explained the situation to me, asking for my permission to go into the world and live and breathe and eat and feel joy and pain. I started thinking about how odd it was to be human, how we are stuck inside this skin, forced to be attracted to the opposite sex, forced to eat food and use the restroom and then stuck to the earth by gravity. I think maybe I was going crazy or something. I spent an entire week feeling bitter because I couldn't breathe underwater. I told God I wanted to be a fish. I also felt a little bitter about sleep. Why do we have to sleep? I wanted to be able to stay awake for as long as I wanted, but God had put me in this body that had to sleep. Life no longer seemed like an experience of freedom."

This is a quote from the book Blue Like Jazz... I just started reading it today. I'm on page 103-- I had a lot of time to read at work haha. It is a good book though... not like the ones I'm used to reading, but nonetheless, still good. I love summer because I can read for pleasure. I mean, of course I'm busy in the summertime, I've been pretty much going nonstop till 7pm everyday, but I enjoy bringing a book around with me throughout the day, reading whenever I get a chance. I just included the quote because I thought it was kind of funny. I mean who thinks like that? It's weird that it kind of makes sense though... I mean why do we sleep? why can't we breathe underwater? how come we have to eat? haha I mean I don't really think about these questions or anything, it's just interesting to see that this guy (Don Miller) does. Anyways, i think it's an interesting read, so you should give it a read if you have some time.

Oh, before I sign off, I should include some perspective for the day... let's see, hmmmm... I had fun on the 4th of July spending the day with Hooch, we were just blessed to have a day off that we could enjoy walking around Big Bear Village, visting some friends that we don't get to see often, and watching an amazing fireworks show. It really was a good day. Does that count as perspective? I think so. Anyways, that's all I got for you for tonight, because I'm exausted and I'm going to wake up and go running tomorrow morning, so I need some good sleep. Of course I'm going to read a little before bed though :) See, it's summer time after all!


Anonymous said...

Hey Pax,
I read your blog about being bitter you have to be human. Just think as humans we are the only creature able to experience grace. God has allowed us to be in His image, and receive His grace. That's better than breathing under water. Hope you have a great day.

Christie Nicole said...

I'm not bitter I'm human lol, i just thought it was a funny part of a book I was reading... ummmm and who is this? Someone who knows my nickname but not how to spell it lol