Monday, August 28, 2006

Blogged Out

It's been a while since I posted. I'm not even sure why I'm posting right now, I guess it's more for my own personal satisfaction, since I know that the only people reading this are usually Robin and Ruth, and since I live with one of the two, it doesn't make much sense to be writing for "all you" to read.

Okay, anyways, not much has happened since last posting. It's continued to be a tedious and slighly boring summer, spending 8-5 working and 5-10 being exausted. Fun times.

I moved into the new apartment. A week later Hooch moved in. Then a week later Sarah moved in. And in one more week from now, Emily will move in. It'll be nice for us to all be there. I didn't have much of a community in my apartment over summer. Hooch has been real busy with RA stuff, Sarah with focus stuff, and lucky me, with work stuff. I'll be happy for school to be starting in 9 days.... did i just say that? It will be nice to have a change of pace; to have class and work instead of just work all day. But my paycheck will be decreasing quite significantly, and I'm not gunna lie, that sucks lol. Working full time has had it's benefits, just ask my bank account.

I'm actually at work right now. One hour left. Normally the last hour is the fastest hour of my work day, but I have a feeling this is going to be a long freakin' hour. If I could read it might go by faster. But I don't think that will be happening.

Really, I think this may be the most boring post ever. I'm almost bored to be writing it. It's just making time go a little faster I guess haha. Maybe I'll post with something to say this week. With some thoughts, some perspective. I think I haven't posted any perspective because of that good 'ol saying we were raised to believe.... "If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all." Okay, okay, mom, I'll keep my mouth shut. So I've had my mouth shut for a while, maybe some good perspective will be ready to come out soon.

Stay tuned to find out...